Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Alice's Birthday Surprise

I fondly remember my silhouette hanging on my parents' wall growing up. It was a class project. My teacher had us lined up against a white background with a light shining from a distant as she carefully traced our profiles. It later landed a prominent spot on our family's treasured wall. I was the only one with a silhouette and always imagined how much better it would of been if there was one of my sister and brother to hang beside mine. If you don't already have silhouettes of each of your children hanging somewhere in your home, I'm sure there's been a time you wanted to. They are a classic remembrance of our childhood and showcase an unforgettable elegance.
When my good friend, Alice's birthday was coming up, I thought I would take the opportunity to create silhouettes of her children as a surprise gift. I wasn't sure if it was her kind of thing and already prepared myself for rejection since it was semi-handmade. But, I went with it anyway. Her kids were spending the night at my house and I took a picture of each one's profile. I told them to act natural - always harder when they actually hear those words. Nowadays, it's such a simpler task to make silhouettes. With their pictures, I printed each on a card stock. I cut it carefully and finished it with a coat of black paint. I adhere it to another a heavy card stock and framed them in a basic black frame. When she opened them, she said the exact thing I would of "I always wanted to do this with my kids, but it was always so expensive". Not any more, it's an effortless and easy night project and by the morning, you create a souvenir of your children's childhood to be cherished forever. 
If you have any questions on how to create your own or need my help to create ones of your children, jot me an email at: I would love to do this for every child I know and if your birthday is coming up, be ready for your own.

1 comment:

  1. Maleesa: Those are great - what a wonderful idea! I'm sure Alice was so touche. xo, Liz
